The artist Chris Sawyer and I originally met at Gage Academy of Art where he studied. I went to a studio sale and bought a couple of large paintings, which I completely enjoy. Chris went on to do a walkabout. He first traveled through the USA and stayed with organic farmers. Later he went on a trip through Europe including walking the El Camino. To fund his travels he asked for patrons to support him on the trip. You could pay a particular amount to get an occasional postcard or you can pay an extra amount to get an occasional postcard plus a larger paining. I think this is a brilliant way to fund your art especially if you’re a carefree youthful person who can travel lightly and has little needs. I’m pleased to own his art, I’m pleased to follow his journey, I’m always happy to get a postcard in the mail from an artist that I know and I’m watching travel through the world. Thank you Chris Sawyer for allowing me to watch your journey.